

一、 應備文件

  1. 外國人居-停-留案件申請表
  2. 6個月內2吋彩色照片2張(黏貼於申請表上)
  3. 護照正、影本各1份,護照效期須為6個月以上且有空白頁
  4. 實踐大學錄取通知書正、影本各1份
  5. 居留或定居健康檢查項目表正本及影本
  6. 其他視個案要求提供財力證明、來臺目的證明、來臺關係人保證書等審核所需之有關文件。




  1. 居留簽證規費新臺幣2200元(美金66元)
  2. 相對處理費新臺幣4200元(美金140元,目前僅適用於美國籍人士)
  3. 在臺申請停留簽證改辦居留簽證,另加收特別手續費800元(美金24元)。


  1. 以免簽證或落地簽證方式入境,或非以就學之簽證目的持停留簽證來臺者,不得以就學為由要求轉換居留簽證或申請延長停留期限。選讀生或隨班附讀者,不得以就學事由申辦簽證。
  2. 持就學之簽證目的停留簽證來臺者,須於停留期限屆滿前,向外交部領事事務局申請改換發居留簽證。
  3. 持居留簽證入境或在中華民國境內獲改換發居留簽證者,應於入境次日或居留簽證簽發日起15天內,向居留地之內政部入出國及移民署各縣(市)服務站申請外僑居留證及重入國許可。居留期限依所持外僑居留證所載效期。
  4. 持外僑居留證者,倘須在效期內出境並再入境,應申請外僑居留證時同時申請重入國許可。


  • 地址:臺北市濟南路一段2-2號中央聯合辦公大樓3~5樓
  • 電話總機:(02) 2343-2888
  • 簽證詢問專線:(02) 2343-2885;(02) 2343-2895
  • 服務時間:週一至週五 8:30~17:00
  • 服務信箱:post@boca.gov.tw
  • 網站:http://www.boca.gov.tw/


Foreign nationals, who have entered ROC with visas for the purpose of pursuing studies, must make for the necessary visa change into a Resident Visa at the Bureau of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs before the visitor visa expiration date.

Resident Visa holders (or ones who obtained Resident Visa within ROC by visa change) are required to apply for the Alien Resident Certificate and Re-entry Permit at their local office of Ministry of Interior National Immigration Agency within 15 days after their arrival.

一、 Required Documents

  1.  Visa Application form
  2. Two 2-inch photos taken in the last six months. (on application form)
  3. Original passport with blank pages and at least six months validity and one copy of it.
  4. Admission Notice of NTUand one photocopy of it.
  5. Health Certificate for Resident Visa
  6. Supporting documents or official letters of approval from a competent authority of the ROC; and other relevant documents.

二、Application Procedures

Please submit visa application to the overseas missions of Republic of China (ROC) or Bureau of Consular Affairs.

三、Application Fee (For reference only, due to rate changes)

  1. The relative process fee for applicants with US nationality: NT$4,200 (US$140)
  2. The process fee for applicants of other nationalities: NT$2,200 (US$66)
  3. An additional charge for applications applied for in the ROC: NT$800 (US$24)


  1. Foreigners who come to ROC with a Visa upon Arrival, with a Visa exemption, or with a Visa other than Student Status Visa can not ask for visa extension for purpose of pursuing education. Non-degree students cannot apply for student status visa.
  2. Foreign nationals, who have entered the ROC with visas for the purpose of pursuing studies, must make for the necessary visa change into a Resident Visa in the Bureau of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs before the visa expiration date.
  3. Resident Visa holders (or ones who obtained Resident Visa within ROC by visa change) are required to apply for the Alien Resident Certificate and Re-entry Permit at local service of Ministry of Interior National Immigration Agency on the next day upon arrival or within 15 days of the issue of your resident visa. They may stay in ROC as long as the Alien Resident Certificate remains valid.
  4. If Alien Resident Certificate holders need to leave and re-enter ROC within the valid period of their ARC, they should apply for re-entry permits while applying for ARC.

五、For more details, please contact the Bureau of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  • Address: 3-5 F, No. 2-2, Sec. 1, Ji Nan Road, Taipei
  • Tel: (02)2343-2888
  • Visa inquiry Hotline: (02)2343-2885; (02)2343-2895
  • Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30-17:00
  • Website: http://www.boca.gov.tw/
  • E-mail: post@boca.gov.tw

