


Application Detail for NHI

申請規定 How to Apply
一、法令及相關規定 1、Background and Regulation
依據全民健康保險法之規定,持有居留證明文件在臺居住滿6個月者均應參加全民健康保險。在臺居住滿183天,係指進入臺灣地區並 取得外僑居留證後,連續居住達183天或曾出境1次未逾30日之實際居住期間扣除出境日數後,併計達183天。 According to National Health Insurance Administration Ministry of Health and Welfare, any foreigner staying in Taiwan with an Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) over 183 days is obligated to underwrite an insurance policy under NHI. A person staying in Taiwan for 183 days definition: A person who has, after receiving an ARC, stayed in Taiwan for 183 days, or exited Taiwan ONCE for fewer than 30 days within the actual period of stay, amounting to 183 days after the number of days that he or she has been away from Taiwan would be deducted.
二、保險費繳納方式及金額 2、Process of Payment
依規定由學校將外國學生應繳納之健康保險費列入每學期學雜費繳款單,由學生於註冊時一併繳納。外國學生保險費每月新臺幣826元(依健保局現行收費標 準),第一學期繳納9月至次年2月保險費(共4,956元),第二學期繳納3月至8月保險費(共4,956元)。惟新入境之新生需於領取ARC後居留滿183天始符合投保資格,但為保障學生安全,未能參加健保之前,須辦理團體傷病醫療保險(保險內容類似健保) The cost of National Health Insurance (NHI) should be included in the tuition fee every semester. If you are eligible to underwrite an insurance policy under NHI. The cost is NTD 826 each month (according to the fee criteria set by NHI), so payment per semester is NTD 4,956 (from September to February and March to August). Please note that student needs to pay the fee first in the beginning of the semester, and after the NHI system confirmed that the student is disqualified, student will get the refund from the Student Affairs Office in the end of the semester. The refund will be returned to student’s bank or post office account.
三、轉出或退出本校代辦健康保險情形 3、NHI Transfer from Shih Chien
狀況一:休學、退學、畢業、轉學、工作者: 至入學服務處辦理健康保險退費及退保事宜。 Situation 1. Suspension, withdrawal, or graduation: Come to Admission Office for your refund and to complete the insurance policy closure procedure.
狀況二:由本校轉至他校就讀者 : 至入學服務處辦理健康保險退費及轉出事宜。持本校開立之健康保險轉出單至就讀學校辦理健康保險轉入事宜。 Situation 2. Transferring to another school: Come to Admission Office for your refund and to complete the insurance policy closure procedure. Then bring the closure document to your new school for transfer.
SOURCE: Sources



