



How to apply the student insurance

保險理賠申請辦法 : For compensation claiming,
看診後,請務必檢附下列文件至本處,我們會協助您辦理理賠。 Please bring the following listed documents to the OIA so that we can help you submit them to insurance company:
繳費收據正本 The original receipts of payment
診斷書正本 The original certificate of diagnosis
郵局存摺封面影本 Photocopy of your Post Office passbook cover or Bank Account cover
保險申請書 Compensation Application Form
護照影本 Passport Copy
居留證影本 ARC copy
請留意:門診給付相同症狀每日以一次為限,每日一次理賠上限為新台幣1,000元(超過新臺幣1,000元者,以1,000元計算)且不包括掛號費。 Please note:For the same symptoms, the insurance company covers only one visit per day. The maximum coverage per visit is TWD 1,000, but does NOT include the hospital or clinic registration fee.
SOURCE: Sources


表單-【商業團體保險】保險申請表 Compensation Application Form

