
The Application Information for International Students


申請類型Application Item 申請資格Eligibility 申請時間Application Period 就讀時間Study Period
國際學位生 持外國護照並以『外國學生來臺就學辦法』規定,申請入學,攻讀學士、碩士或博士等學位學程之學生。 秋季班每年2月開始,7月結束。春季班10月開始,11月結束。 2年至4年時間。
International Students International Degree Students are students who possess a non-ROC nationality and are pursuing a Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctoral degree at Shih Chien University in accordance with the “MOE Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan”. The application period for Fall semeter start from Feburarty until July, Spring semester start from October to November. Two to Four Years
大陸學位生 持中國護照並經由「大陸地區學生聯合招生委員會」統一申請入學,攻讀學士、碩士或博士等學位學程之大陸學生,並設有北京、上海、江蘇、浙江、福建、廣東、湖北及遼寧之戶籍。 依據「陸生聯合招生委員會」公告時間招生,約每年2月至4月申請。 2年至4年時間。
China Students China Degree Students are students who possess a PRC nationality and are pursuing a Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctoral degree at Shih Chien University in accordance with the “MOE Regulations Regarding Mailand China Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan”. The application period are require from the comittiee of mainland China student associateion. Ususally from every Feburary to April. Two to Four Years
僑港澳學位生 持外國護照,透過「海外聯合招生委員會」統一申請或經由本校「單獨招生」管道,攻讀學士、碩士或博士等學位學程之學生。 依據「海外聯合招生委員會」公告時間招生,約每年2月至4月申請。 2年至4年時間。
Overseas Students Overseas Degree Students are students who possess a non-ROC nationality and are pursuing a Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctoral degree at Shih Chien University in accordance with the “MOE Regulations Regarding Overseas Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan”. The application period are require from the comittiee of Overseas student associateion. Ususally from every Feburary to April. Two to Four Years
交換學生/雙聯學生 持外國護照,經由本校與姊妹校簽訂合約之雙邊交流學生。 每年度10月及4月接受申請 依據合約與學制不同,最短4個月,最長2年。
Exchange / Dual Degree Students International Students are students who possess a non-ROC nationality and are pursuing an exchange and dual degree program with Shih Chien University. Currently study in the contract partner university with Shih Chine University. The application period are every Octover and April for Fall semester and Spring semester. Accroding to the singing contract, a least Four months until Two years.
華語學生 持外國護照,有意修讀華語文課程之外國學生。 隨到隨審,即時審查。 每期3個月。
Language Learning Students Language learning Students are students who possess a non-ROC nationality and are pursuing the Chinese Language Learning in Shih Chien University. We don't require for the application period, first come first serve. Every Three months
訪問學生 持外國護照,非本校與姊妹校合約約定之學期學生。 隨到隨審,即時審查。 根據申請時間審核。
Visiting Students Visiting Students are students who possess a non-ROC nationality and are pursuing the exchange program with credits or non-credits in Shih Chien University. We don't require for the application period, first come first serve. Accroding to the application period.
SOURCE: Sources

