申請資格-國際學位生定義 | Who is an International Degree Student? |
經由「外國學生來臺就學辦法」申請入學,攻讀學士、碩士或博士等學位學程之外國學生。外國學生申請相關規定應以中華民國教育部公布之最新『外國學生來臺就學辦法』之規定為準。如違反辦法,經查證屬實者,將撤銷其入學資格、開除學籍或撤銷其本校畢業資格,且不發給任何學歷證明。* 不具外國學生身分之僑生與港澳生須透過「海外聯合招生委員會」統一申請,有相關問題請逕洽該委員會調查。本校亦有僑生暨港澳生單獨招生計畫,請參考本校招生資訊網頁。 大陸籍學生一律須透過「大陸地區學生聯合招生委員會」統一申請,有相關問題請逕洽該委員會。 | International Degree Students are students who possess a non-ROC nationality and are pursuing a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctoral degree at Shih Chien University in accordance with the “MOE Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan”.Applicants who wish to apply to Shih Chien should do so in accordance with the aforementioned MOE regulations. Violation of these regulations will result in the immediate cancellation of the applicant’s admission, the deprivation of the applicant’s recognized status as a Shih Chien registered student or the revocation of the applicant’s Shih Chien diploma. In addition, no academic certificate will be conferred.* Overseas Chinese applicants must apply through the University Entrance Committee for Overseas Chinese Students. Please contact the Committee directly for further inquiries. If you are an Overseas Chinese applicant (including students from Hong Kong and Macau), you can also refer to the following way to apply for undergraduate programs at Shih Chien University through Individual Enternece. (Only for Kaohsiung Campus department) |
學歷規定 | Academic Qualifications Requirements |
具高中畢業資格者,得申請入學本校學士學位班;具學士學位者,得申請入學本校碩士班;具碩士學位者,得申請入學本校博士班。註: 前學歷在大陸地區取得者須符合以下規定:1. 學校屬教育部大陸地區高等學校認可名冊所列。2. 修業期限符合「大陸地區學歷採認辦法」第 7 條最低門檻。3. 無「大陸地區學歷採認辦法」第 8 條所列不予採認情形。 | International applicants with a high school diploma are eligible to apply for undergraduate programs; International applicants with a Bachelor’s degree are eligible to apply for Master’s Degree programs; International applicants with a Master’s degree are eligible to apply for Ph.D. programs. Note: Applicants with a previous degree from Mainland China are subjected to the following regulations. The university where the previous degree was obtained must be listed under MOE’s “List of Recognized Higher Education Institutions in Mainland China” (Chinese version only). The period of study must fulfill the minimum requirements of Article 7 of MOE’s “Regulations on Academic Qualifications from Mainland China” (Chinese version only). One must not meet any circumstances listed under Article 8 of MOE’s “Regulations on Academic Qualifications from Mainland China” (Chinese version only). |
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