
FACT SHEET for Exchange and Dual Degree Program


交換計畫資料 Information for Exchange program
本校接受交換科系 Exchange Program
國際企業英語學位學程 English-taught Program in International Business
工業產品設計學系 Industrial Design
媒體傳達設計學系 Communications Design
建築設計學系 Architecture Design
本校接受雙聯學位科系 Dual Degree Program
國際企業英語學位學程 English-taught Program in International Business
申請提交資料 Application Materials
計畫申請表(請檢附3張2吋證件照) Application Form including 3 Photos (2x2 inch)
護照個人資料頁面影本 One Copy of the Bio Page of the Passport
正式在校成績單(英文版本) One copy of Current Official Transcript (in English)
推薦信(英文版本) Letters of Recommendation (in English)
個人簡歷 Resume
就讀動機信 Statement of Purpose
作品集(申請設計科系同學) Work Portfolio (applying for College of Design only)
請同學務必將申請資料交至實踐大學國際事務處 Students must send the application materials to the Office of International Affairs of Shih Chien University
簽證訊息 Visa
單學期交換學生: Visitor Visa (*需要在簽證效期過期前辦理延期) One Semester Exchange Students: Visitor Visa(* Students will need to apply for the extension before the expiry of Visa.)
一年交換學生與雙聯學位學生: Resident Visa & Alien Resident Card (ARC) (*需要在來台15天內辦理居留證ARC) One Year Exchange/ Dual Degree Students: Resident Visa & Alien Resident Card (ARC) (* Students have to apply for an ARC within 15 days after entering Taiwan.)
所有同學必須在來台前辦理VISTOR/ RESIDENT VISA,免簽證國家之免簽簽證無法提供學生在台就學。 All students MUST apply for a VISTOR/ RESIDENT VISA before entering Taiwan. Visa-Exempt Entry is NOT applicable for foreign students studying in Taiwan.
課程訊息 Course Information
學分要求 Credits Requirement
大學部課程: 最低9學分,最高25學分 Undergraduate Program: minimum 9 credits, maximum 25 credits
碩士班課程: 最低6學分 Graduate Program: minimum 6 credits.
所有選課作業將在註冊時進行 Students will enroll in the courses during the registration period
必修課程 Compulsory for Exchange and Dual Degree students:
初級華語(2學分) Basic Chinese (2 credits)
入門華語(2學分) Beginning Chinese (2 credits)
中華文化與構通藝術(2學分) Chinese Culture and Communication (2 credits)
健康檢查 Health Examination
根據衛生福利部所規定,所有新生必須前往合格的醫院完成健康檢查,且同時完成下列規定之檢查表格 According to the regulation of National Health Insurance Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare, all new students must complete a health exam conducted by a qualified doctor, and complete all parts listed on the following form,
單學期交換學生: 健康檢查丙表(Form C) One Semester Exchange Students: Medical Examination Requirements for Short Term Students in Taiwan (Form C)
一年交換學生與雙聯學位學生: 居留類別健康檢查 One Year Exchange/ Dual Degree Students: Health Certificate for Residence Application
承辦老師 Contact Person
東北亞/大洋洲: 吳佳穎老師 North East Asia & Oceania: Ms. Annie Wu
電子信箱: annie-wu@g2.usc.edu.tw E-mail: annie-wu@g2.usc.edu.tw
聯繫電話: +886 (2) 2538-1111 ext.1163 Tel: +886 (2) 2538-1111 ext.1163
東南亞 : 張禾穎老師 South East Asia: Ms. Bella Chang
電子信箱: bellachang@g2.usc.edu.tw E-mail: bellachang@g2.usc.edu.tw
聯繫電話: +886 (2) 2538-1111 ext.1161 Tel: +886 (2) 2538-1111 ext.1161
歐洲/美洲: 王展逸老師 Europe & America: Mr. Ian Wong
電子信箱: ianwong@g2.usc.edu.tw E-mail: ianwong@g2.usc.edu.tw
聯繫電話: +886 (2) 2538-1111 ext.1162 Tel: +886 (2) 2538-1111 ext.1162
SOURCE: Sources

