

1-42 實踐大學全球教育獎助學金 Shih Chien University Global Education Scholarship


獎助學金名稱:1-42 實踐大學全球教育獎助學金

Shih Chien University Global Education Scholarship



Eligibility: Overseas students of Shih Chien University



Amount: Subject to the tuition and fee of Shih Chien University



一、 為鼓勵境外生就讀本校,特訂定本要點。

1. These regulations and scholarship are established to recruit and encourage overseas students to study at Shih Chien University.

二、 申請入學本校之境外生於期限內備妥申請文件並上傳報名系統,經錄取當學年度入學資 格並完成註冊者,即可獲得下述學年學費優惠減免。春季班入學者以當學期起計算,比 照秋季班入學者獲得學費優惠減免。

2. Students who apply for the admission of Shih Chien University should complete the application and upload the required documents online before the deadline. After being admitted and completing the enrollment, students will receive tuition waiver for the following semesters. Students of the spring intake are eligible for a tuition waiver for the first semester.

三、 就讀一年級者,於申請期限內備妥申請文件,享有當學年度上、下兩學期之學費50%優 惠減免。

3. Freshmen students who complete the application process will receive a 50% tuition waiver for the first academic year (2 semesters).

四、 每學期申請期間依本校獎助學金作業申請時間辦理,凡逾期申請者不予受理。就讀二年級者,上一年度(含上、下學期)成績總平均皆在70分以上,二分之一以上學分及格,以及上、下學期操行成績皆達80分以上者,即享有二年級學費30%優惠減免。當年度經轉學後即入讀本校二年級者,享有學費30%優惠減免,不受上述成績、科目及格數及操行成績限制。

4. Sophomore students will receive a 30% tuition waiver for the second academic year (2 semesters) if their Academic Grade Average of the previous two semesters is 70 or above, and passing more than half of total courses taken, and Conduct Grades of the previous two semesters is 80 or above. Transfer students who have been enrolled as the sophomore students in their first year of study at Shih Chien University do not need to meet the above-mentioned requirements and will receive a 30% tuition waiver for the first year (2 semesters).

五、 就讀三年級者,上一年度(含上、下學期)成績總平均皆在70分以上,二分之一以上 學分及格,以及上、下學期操行成績皆達80分以上者,即享有三年級學費20%優惠減免。當年度經轉學後即入讀本校三年級者,享有學費20%優惠減免,不受上述成績、科目及格數及操行成績限制。

5. Junior students will have a 20% tuition waiver for the third academic year (2 semesters) if their Academic Grade Average of the previous two semesters is 70 or above, and passing more than half of total courses taken, and Conduct Grades of the previous two semesters is 80 or above. Transfer students who have been enrolled as the junior in their first year of study at Shih Chien Universitydo not need to meet the above-mentioned requirements and will receive a 20% tuition waiver for the first year (2 semesters).

六、 凡辦理休學及退學者,當學期不得享有學費優惠減免;並應依正常學雜費退費標準規定 計算應繳學費;學生已繳交之優惠學費超出應繳學費者,退還差額,不足者補繳,退款 相關規定依本校財務處規定辦理。凡辦理休學者復學後,當學年(含上、下學期)不得 享有學費優惠減免資格,隔年依就讀年級、成績、學分及格數及操行成績等享有學費優 惠減免;如因操行、學業成績不及格或因犯刑事案件經判刑確定致遭休學者,復學後不 得享有本校學費優惠減免。

6. Students who apply for suspension or are expelled from the university have to follow the normal rate of tuition fee calculation. Students need to make up for the difference between the actual amount of tuition fee that needed to be settled, and vice versa. Students who return after suspension will not be qualified for the tuition fee waiver for 1 academic year (2 semesters), but the process will resume after the year of that if all requirements are met. If students are expelled due to discipline, academic performance, or sentenced for any violations of the crime, no more tuition fee waiver will be given when return.

七、 凡獲台灣政府補助之「教育部台灣獎學金」、「外交部台灣獎學金」、「國合會獎學金」 及「僑委會獎學金」等其它單位之全額獎學金者不得享有並申請本項學費優惠減免。

7. Applicants who have been awarded “MOE Taiwan Scholarship”, “MOFA Taiwan Scholarship”, “ICDF Scholarship”, “OCAC Scholarship” or other scholarships from Taiwan government entities are not eligible to apply for this scholarship.

八、 本要點自112學年度起實施,適用於112學年度秋季班後入學之境外生。

8. The implementation of this regulation starts from the 2023-24 academic year and this regulation only applies to the students who are admitted in or after the 2023-24 academic year.

九、 領取獎助學金者,經查若有資料偽造或違反校規之情況,撤銷其得獎資格,已領取獎助 學金者應予繳回。

9. Any fraud or violation of school regulations will be disqualified from the awardees and any scholarships and grants received shall be returned in full amount.

十、 本獎助學金最後確認之名額及名單,校方保有最終異動及裁決權。

10. Shih Chien University reserves the right of final decision of the result of the scholarships and grants.

十一、 本辦法經獎助學金會議通過後,陳請校長核准後公布實施,修正時亦同。

11. This regulation will be announced and implemented by the President of Shih Chien University upon being passed at the Scholarship Committee Meeting. Any revision of this regulation must follow thesame procedure.


The application should be submitted and reviewed by the Admission Office (Overseas Chinese students, Hong Kong and Macao students) or the office of International Affairs (International Students and Chinese students).
