

1-30 實踐大學境外學生入學獎學金 Regulations on Admission Scholarship for International Students


獎學金名稱:1-30 實踐大學境外學生入學獎學金

名額:至多 20 名,並得視實際狀況調整。

金額:獲單學期獎學金學生者,入學新生一學期學雜費全額減免;獲單學年獎學金學生者, 入學新生一學年學雜費全額減免;獲全額獎學金學生免學雜費,學士班最多支領四年,碩士班最多支領二年。





(三)「新南向地區學生」係指新南向國家─馬來西亞、印尼、越南、印度、泰國、緬甸、 新加坡、菲律賓、巴基斯坦、尼泊爾、斯里蘭卡、汶萊、孟加拉、寮國、柬埔寨、 不丹、澳大利亞、紐西蘭十八國之學生。


(一) 單學期獎學金: 1. 提供「大陸學生」新生單學期學雜費全額減免,大學部及研究所之秋季班入學者至多3 名。

(二) 單學年獎學金: 1. 提供「外國學生及新南向地區學生」入學新生一學年學雜費全額減免,大學部及研究所 之秋季班入學者計12名,春季班入學者計3名,共計15名。

(三) 全額獎學金: 1. 提供「新南向地區學生」入學新生免學雜費,學士班最多支領四年,碩士班最多支領二 年,大學部及研究所之秋季班入學者共計至多2名。


1. 欲申請成為本校正式學籍之境外學生,且在本校就學期間未獲得我國政府任何入學獎學金補助。


(1)欲申請單學年獎學金者: I.最高學歷成績須達GPA3.0或以上 II.語言成績: a.申請中文系所者,中文成績如TOCFL須達到A2以上。 b.申請英文系所者,英文成績如IELTS須達5.5以上(或同等英文能力測驗證明)。

(2)欲申請全額獎學金者: I.最高學歷成績須達GPA3.5以上 II.語言成績: a.申請中文系所者,中文成績如TOCFL須達到B1以上。 b.申請英文系所者,英文成績如IELTS須達6以上(或同等英文能力測驗證明)。

3. 符合上述資格者,應於申請期限內,備妥以下文件上傳至報名系統。






四、申請方式: 申請人須填寫「實踐大學境外學生入學獎學金申請表」,與入學申請資料一併上傳至報名系統。

五、申請規定:申請人之歷年成績及其他有利於審查之資料為審核標準。經系院初審, 國際交流諮詢委員複審後,由國際事務處發出公告。

六、申請「單學年獎學金」或「全額獎學金」者須符合以下規定: 以入學當學年度申請一次為限,上、下學期分別核撥。次學期起,研究所獲獎者前學期學業平均成績須達85分以上、大學部獲獎者前學期學業平均成績須達80分以上, 且無記過處分,始得持續核撥。

七、領取獎學金者,不得有雙重學籍,如有申請保留學籍或轉學、休學、退學者,視同 放棄資格,並需繳回全數已領取之獎學金。






Shih Chien University Regulations on Admission Scholarship for International Students

1. International Students refer to “Foreign students”, “Overseas students” and “New Southbound Nations students”. “Foreign students” refer to students who are enrolled through the Admission for International Students of USC. “Overseas students” refer to students who are enrolled through the University Entrance Committee for Mainland Chinese Students. “New Southbound Nations students” refers to students who are enrolled through the 1University Entrance Committee for the 18 countries: Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, India, Thailand, Myanmar, Singapore, Philippines, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Brunei, Bangladesh, Laos, Cambodia, Bhutan, Australia, and New Zealand.

2. Number of Awardees:

(1) One-semester scholarship a. For “Overseas students”, tuition and fees of the first semester will be waived for a maximum number of 3 undergraduate and graduate students in the Fall term.

(2) One-academic-year scholarship a. For “Foreign & New Southbound Nations students”, tuition and fees of the first academic year will be waived for a maximum number of 15 undergraduate and graduate students in the Fall term and 3 undergraduate and graduate students in the Spring term.

(3) Full scholarship a. For “New Southbound Area” students, tuition and fees will be waived for a maximum number of 2 newly enrolled students, and the waiving shall not be more than 4 academic years for an undergraduate students or 2 academic years for a graduate student in the Fall term.

3. Eligibility: Foreign students or overseas students who are officially admitted to USC and not receiving any forms of financial support from the government of Republic of China.

(1) For those students who are willing to apply One-Academic-Year Scholarship, your GPA shall be 3.0 or above. If you are applying for the Chinese taught program, your TOCFL shall be A2 or above; if you are applying the English Taught Program, your ILETS shall be 5.5 or above. (It can be the relevant English tests.)

(2) For those students who are willing to apply Full Scholarship, your GPA shall be 3.5 or above. If you are applying for the Chinese taught program, your TOCFL shall be B1 or above; if you are applying the English Taught Program, your ILETS shall be 6 or above. (It can be the relevant English tests.)

4. Application: a. For International students: Applicants are requested to fill out the "International Student Application Form for Admission Scholarship " and upload it to admission system with the application materials. b. The application materials: (Please submit the following documents with your application to the admission system)

(1) An application form *1

(2) Previous school transcript (the formal document)

(3) Recommendation letter from your teacher of previous school *1

(4) Chinese or English Language Proficiency

(5) Other outstanding performance supporting documents

5. Applicants’ academic records and supplementary materials will be reviewed by the departments and International Exchange Committee. The awardees will be announced on the website of OIA.

6. Requirements for applying “full scholarship” or “one-academic-year scholarship” can only be applied during students’ enrollment and shall be examined and delivered every semester.

(1) Since the second semester, the grades in average of graduate students shall be over 85 and without any demerits to maintain qualification.

(2) Since the second semester, the grades in average of undergraduate students shall be over 80 and without any demerits to maintain qualification.

7. All scholarships shall be returned if students have double registration, leave of absence from school or transfer to another university.

8. Any fraud or violation of school regulations will disqualified from the awardees and any scholarships received shall be returned in full amount.

9. This regulation applies to students who are admitted before the 2023-24 academic year.

10.Shih Chien University reserves the right of final decision of the result of admission scholarship.

11.The application should be submitted and reviewed by the office of International Affairs.
