莫薩內高等教育學院(HELMO)由伊賽爾高等教育學院(Haute Ecole ISELL)和莫薩內高等教育學院(HELMO)合併而成,建立於2008 年。
由於1995 年成立的伊賽爾高等教育學院(ISELL)和莫薩內高等教育學院(HELMO)也是由多個學校合併而成,該校現在成為比利時法語區最大的高等學校之一。
HELMo’s main purpose is to prepare students for professional careers both in the private and public sectors.
HELMo focuses on working closely with the local community and with a huge network of companies willing to help the students meet the requirements of the job market. The Haute École HELMo has 8,250 students, 900 staff members, 13 institutes and 3 campuses (in Liège, Loncin, Huy, Theux and Verviers), 5 categories and more than 40 highly diversified training programs.
單學期交換計畫 (僅修讀學分)
One-semester Exchange Program (Credits Transfer Only)
Application for dormitory is subject to the partner university’s announcement.