INSEEC Business and Communication School
INSEEC(Institut des Hautes Etudes Economiques et Commerciales)法國高等經濟與商業研究學院集團,1975 年最先創辦於波爾多,隨後又於1983 年在巴黎成立「高等經濟與商業研究學院」(法文慣用縮寫INSEEC)的名稱;它代表了一種培養商務、管理人才的管理學院的新模式。今天的高等經濟與商業研究學院在法國巴黎、里昂、波爾多、英國倫敦,美國芝加哥、瑞士日內瓦以及中國上海等全球9 個城市都設有校區,共計17 個。
在最新的法國高等商業學院(GRANDE ECOLE)的排名中,通過全國中小型企業調查結果顯示,INSEEC 集團名列前茅。並在2010 法國權威商業雜志LE POINT《焦點雜志》全法精英院校畢業生起薪排名中名列第四。學院特點是在多個商業領域開設了專業課程,課程實力均名列前茅。應届畢業新生平均年薪37,400 歐元。
INSEEC School of Business and Economics was founded in 1975. The INSEEC Group welcomed 22,000 students in 2017; 8,000 managers and employees in continuing education; more than 80,000 alumni; 370 permanent professors and 150 researchers/professors. There are 4 campuses in France (Paris, Bordeaux, Lyon, Chambéry), 5 campuses abroad (Geneva, Monaco, London, San Francisco, Shanghai) and more than 340 international academic partners. INSEEC was in September 2016 the 6th French Grande Ecole with the largest alumni network on LinkedIn.
單學期交換計畫 (僅修讀學分)
One-semester Exchange Program (Credits Transfer Only)
Application for dormitory is subject to the partner university’s announcement.