

柯靈設計學院 Design School Kolding

柯靈設計學院 Design School Kolding


Design School Kolding

學校介紹 School Introduction

丹麥設計在國際上一直享有高品質的聲譽,而柯靈設計學院(DK)建立於1967 年,始終將提升丹麥設計的國內國際地位視為己任,致力培養全球頂尖的設計師,共同為更豐富、更具創新意識的設計而努力。學院的願景是突破傳統,激發全新靈感,在實際生活中進一步發展丹麥設計和設計師的角色、相關度和覆蓋面。
DK 以丹麥設計傳統為基礎,注重真正有意義的設計。我們相信與歷史傳統的融合能帶來創新。學院教學方式的特色在於不提供標準答案,而是共同發現。
DK 教學方式中最顯著的一個特質便是項目實踐。 DK 的學生必須認識到個人發展與團隊合作相輔相成,很多情況下正是與團隊其他成員或專業人士的通力合作達成了意想不到的突破,將學生培養成可以融入團隊協作但依然抱有鮮明特質的個體。

Design School Kolding is a design school located in Kolding, Denmark. It delivers undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in the areas of fashion, textiles, communication design, industrial design, accessory design, and design for people, design for planet and design for play (people, planet and play are offered only as part of the MA programme). It was founded in 1967, and received university status in 2010. The school offers undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, including PhD programmes in the areas of fashion, textiles, accessory design, communication design, industrial design and design for people, design for planet, design for play (people, planet and play are offered only as part of the MA programme).

計畫說明 Program

單學期交換計畫 (僅修讀學分)

  1. 申請資格: 限設計學院
  2. 申請名額: 3名 (免繳姊妹校學費)
  3. 語言能力: 托福(iBT)61分以上/雅思5級分以上/多益600分以上
  4. 學業成績: 歷年學業及操行平均成績75 分以上
  5. 其他: 務必準備個人作品集或相關甄選作品

One-semester Exchange Program (Credits Transfer Only)

  1. Eligibility : College of Design
  2. Quota: 3 students (Tuition waiver)
  3. Language Proficiency: TOEFL iBT 61 / IELTS 5 / TOEIC 600
  4. Academic Requirement: The academic & conduct average grade should be over 75
  5. Note: Portfolio required

行事曆 Academic Calendar


住宿資訊 Accommodation Information


Application for dormitory is subject to partner university’s announcement.
