奧斯特拉瓦大學(University of Ostrava)於1991 年成立,是捷克最年輕的公立大學之一,有1 萬多名學生,座落在人口最稠密的工業區。奧斯特拉瓦以前是一座重工業城市,現在是摩拉維亞西里西亞洲最重要的商業和交通中心。奧斯特拉瓦大學教授人文社會、自然科學、醫藥、衛生研究和美術領域的學碩士學位以及博士學位課程。奧斯特拉瓦大學和奧斯特拉瓦地區的主要研究醫院一起形成了完整的學科體系,其理工大學被譽為具有最高水平的大學院校之一,又佔有處於歐洲最密集的工業產區之一的地理優勢。奧斯特拉瓦大學共有六個學院和兩個研究所,有教育學院、科學學院、醫學院、藝術學院、社會研究學院和美術學院。
The University of Ostrava is a public university in the city of Ostrava, Moravian-Silesian Region, Czech Republic. Founded in 1991, it is the newest public university in Ostrava. It consists of six faculties and two institutes providing university education. Its origins can be traced back to 1953 when a training college for future primary school teachers was opened in the nearby town of Opava. In 1959, all teacher training within the region was streamlined into a single institution – the newly established Pedagogical Institute in Ostrava. Five years later, the institute was awarded university status and became an independent Faculty of Education, offering four-year degree courses to future primary school teachers. The range of degrees was later extended to include a five-year program for future teachers of higher year groups. Gradually, other faculties, departments and research centers joined the University of Ostrava, shifting the focus from teachers to research and innovation in general.
單學期交換計畫 (僅修讀學分)
One-semester Exchange Program (Credits Transfer Only)
Application for dormitory is subject to partner university’s announcement.