Design Academy Eindhoven
於荷蘭安荷芬市,建立於1947 年,是一所工業設計高等院校,也是在國際上相當有名氣的設計學院。安荷芬設計學院的教育體系相對於一般學校的藝術教育設計學院有非常大的不同。安荷芬本身就是一個藝術氛圍十分濃烈的城市,學生可以深入體會到荷蘭當地的藝術歷史和氣息。在這裡可以完全釋放自己的創造力,達到自己理想的目標。
2003 年《紐約時報》稱讚安荷芬設計學院「無疑是世界上最好的設計學院。」
The Design Academy Eindhoven was established in 1955 and was originally named the Akademie Industriële Vormgeving Eindhoven. The bachelor’s program is split into eight interdisciplinary departments, broadly covering art, architecture, fashion design, graphic design and industrial design. As the structure of the bachelor’s program is intended to be flexible, students are free to move between departments and all students graduate with the same degree, a Bachelor of Design.
單學期交換計畫 (僅修讀學分)
One-semester Exchange Program (Credits Transfer Only)
Application for dormitory is subject to partner university’s announcement.