貝札雷藝術與設計學院為以色列歷史最悠久最好的藝術大學。創建於1906 年,Bezalel 這個名字來自舊約聖經的人物。學校對每個科系都是非常重視,都有非常完善的課程規劃和資源。由於空間大,又有國家和機構的支持,所以貝札雷提供給學生的設備非常的齊全完善!各種專業的器材,機具滿足學生瘋狂的想像和創作能力。
Bezalel Academy of Arts And Design established in 1906 by artist Boris Schatz as the “Bezalel School of Arts and Crafts”, Bezalel has evolved into one of the world’s most prestigious art schools. The name Bezalel is synonymous with more than 100 years of Israeli art, innovation and academic excellence. Bezalel’s unique strength stems from the numerous breakthroughs it has been responsible for and its ability to respond and adapt to cultural changes. It takes pride in its numerous generations of graduates – the spearhead of Israeli artists, designers and architects, in Israel and around the globe. The Bezalel Academy has an outstanding faculty as well as an extensive variety of expressive tools, providing our students with total freedom of choice and creative liberty.
單學期交換計畫 (僅修讀學分)
One-semester Exchange Program (Credits Transfer Only)
Application for dormitory is subject to partner university’s announcement.