

方堤斯應用科技大學 Fontys University of Applied Science

方堤斯應用科技大學  Fontys University of Applied Science


Fontys University of Applied Science

學校介紹 School Introduction

方堤斯應用科技大學地處荷蘭南部的著名城市安荷芬,Fontys 一名由拉丁語衍生而來,意為源泉, 學校名稱寓意有活力的知識源頭。安荷芬市內有機場和鐵路,交通發達。由於四大科技機構和兩所排名前五的研究學院的主要基地都在安荷芬,該市有「智慧的中心」之稱。目前著名的公司飛利浦(電子)、ASML(機械電子)、DAF(機械)總部都建在該地區。由於該城市是世界公認的高科技工業化基地,又被稱為「荷蘭矽谷」。
方堤斯應用科技大學是荷蘭有名的綜合性大學,學院創建於1938 年,從1998 年開設英語授課的國際課程,其校區遍布全荷蘭,在校全日制學生達36,000 多人,共有5,000 多名來自28 個國家的國際學生在這裡學習各種工程學科的課程,是荷蘭規模最大的大學。

Fontys University of Applied Sciences is a Dutch university of applied sciences with over 44.000 students on several campuses located in the southern Netherlands. The three largest Fontys campuses are located in the cities of Eindhoven, Tilburg and Venlo. The name Fontys comes from the Latin word “fons” which means “source”. Thus, Fontys wants to highlight that it is a source of knowledge for students. Fontys offers 200 bachelor’s and master’s study programs in the fields of economics, technology, health care, social work, sports, and teacher training. A selection of these programs is offered in German and English. The independent Dutch ranking Keuzegids ranks Fontys as one of the best large universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands. In 2014, former Fontys Chairperson Nienke Meijer was declared “Most Influential Woman of the Netherlands”.

計畫說明 Program

單學期交換計畫 (僅修讀學分)

  1. 申請資格: 限管理學院、英語學位學程與商資學院
  2. 申請名額: 4名 (免繳姊妹校學費)
  3. 語言能力: 托福(iBT)61分以上/雅思5級分以上/多益600分以上
  4. 學業成績: 歷年學業及操行平均成績75分以上

One-semester Exchange Program (Credits Transfer Only)

  1. Eligibility: College of Management, English Taught Program  and College of Business and Information
  2. Quota: 4 students (Tuition waiver)
  3. Language Proficiency: TOEFL iBT 61 / IELTS 5 / TOEIC 600
  4. Academic Requirement: The academic & conduct average grade should be over 75

行事曆 Academic Calendar

住宿資訊 Accommodation Information


Application for dormitory is subject to the partner university’s announcement.
