

葛洛寧恩漢莎應用科技大學 Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen

葛洛寧恩漢莎應用科技大學  Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen


Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen

學校介紹 School Introduction

葛洛寧恩漢莎應用科技大學位於荷蘭北部,是荷蘭最大、課程最豐富的高等學府之一,學校開有英語授課學士課程可供交換生選修,包含十五個學院的課程,而特色科系種類多元,例如國際商務與管理、國際設施管理、市場營銷管理、遊戲設計與開發、企業IT 及管理、精美藝術、設計、音樂。
學校注重國際化,教授來自不同國家,在校生來自40 多個國家,此外還有大批校際交流生。
葛洛寧恩是個富有朝氣的大學城,文化娛樂豐富,不僅學生人數多,且一半人口年齡低於35 歲。交通便利,乘火車到阿姆斯特丹只需2.5 小時。

Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen (Hanze UAS, Dutch: Hanzehogeschool Groningen) was founded in 1986 and it is the largest technical & vocational university in the northern Netherlands and is located in Groningen. Hanze UAS offers various Bachelor and Master programs in Dutch, English, and German, and works closely with international partner institutes. The school counts approximately 28,000 students and 3,200 employees. About, 8,1% of students are international. In 1986, Groningen was the first city in the Netherlands where 16 of the 24 vocational schools merged into a larger institute, as recommended in the government paper “Expansion, Division of Tasks, and Concentration in the Higher Educational System”. Hence, Hanze became quickly one of the biggest Universities of Applied Sciences in the nation and data suggests it is growing every year.

計畫說明 Program

單學期交換計畫  (僅修讀學分)

  1. 申請資格: 限管理學院、英語學位學程與商資學院
  2. 申請名額: 至多3名 (免繳姊妹校學費)
  3. 語言能力: 托福(iBT)61分以上/雅思5級分以上/多益600分以上
  4. 學業成績: 歷年學業及操行平均成績75 分以上

One-semester Exchange Program (Credits Transfer Only)

  1. Eligibility: College of Management, English Taught Program and College of Business and Information
  2. Quota: 3 students at most (Tuition waiver)
  3. Language Proficiency: TOEFL iBT 61 / IELTS 5 / TOEIC 600
  4. Academic Requirement: The academic & conduct average grade should be over 75

行事曆 Academic Calendar


住宿資訊 Accommodation Information


Application for dormitory is subject to the partner university’s announcement.
