LAB University of Applied Sciences
(原為Saimaa University of Applied Sciences)
LAB應用科技大學是一所綜合理工學院,校區位於芬蘭東南方的Lappeenranta 和Imatra 城鎮。學校共設有五個學院:技術學院、工商管理學院、健康護理及社會服務學院、旅遊及酒店管理學院和工藝設計學院,總計21 個專業,其中兩個專業以英語教學。
LAB University of Applied Science (Finnish: Saimaan ammattikorkeakoulu) is a university of applied sciences (a polytechnic) in the region of South Karelia, Finland. There are several degree programs in the Saimaa University of Applied Science, both in Finnish and English. There are seven degree programs in English: Bachelor of Nursing, Bachelor of Engineering, Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Master of Business Management, Master of Fine Arts and Double Degree Programme in Civil and Construction Engineering. Before 2009, it was known as South Karelia University of Applied Sciences. Its campuses are located in Lappeenranta. Saimaa University of Applied Sciences had a campus in Imatra, but it closed, and all the functions were moved to Lappeenranta. In January 2020, Lahti University of Applied Sciences and Saimaa University of Applied Sciences will merge, establishing the new LAB University of Applied Sciences
單學期交換計畫 (僅修讀學分)
3+1.5雙聯學制計畫 (雙學士)
One-semester Exchange Program (Credits Transfer Only)
3+1.5 Dual Bachelor Degree Program (One year)
Application for dormitory is subject to the partner university’s announcement.