Istituto Marangoni
義大利貴族成衣設計師Giulio Marangoni 在1935 年在米蘭成立了Istituto Marangoni 藝術服飾學院。這是一所為高端專業時尚領域輸送專業人才和技術人員的學校。
自建校以來,Istituto Marangoni 歐洲時尚與設計學院一直篤信培訓教學的價值,不斷更新課程內容,緊隨義大利和全球市場的需求導向,過去幾十年裡辦學成果豐碩。2002 年,歐洲時尚與設計學院的倫敦新校區成立了,2004 年巴黎校區成立,而最近的2012 年則成立了上海校區。
The Istituto Marangoni is a private Italian school of fashion and design. It is based in Milan, in Lombardy in northern Italy, and has branches in Florence, London and Paris, Shanghai and Shenzhen in China, Mumbai in India, and Miami in the United States. he school was founded in Milan in 1935 by the tailor Giulio Marangoni, and became a Scuola Professionale Artistica or “professional art school” in 1942. In 2010 there were about 2200 students of 70 nationalities in three campuses.
單學期訪問計畫 (僅修讀學分)
One-semester Visiting Program (Credits Transfer Only)
Application for dormitory is subject to partner university’s announcement.