Kyoto Tachibana University
京都橘大學(Kyoto Tachibana University)是一所位於日本京都府山科區的私立大學,前身為私立橘女子大學,創校歷史最早可追溯到1902 年。
該校現有5 所學院,10 個科系,學生總數約有4,000 人。該校以「橘」為名係有特別的歷史與文化意涵,重要的是希望學生培養橘樹所象徵的芳香與高尚的品格,且校訓為「促進並培養獨立自主的女性」。學校設有文學部包括英語溝通交流學、日本語日本文學、歷史學、文化財產學、兒童教育學、現代商務學部包括現代經營管理學、都市環境設計學、看護學部包括看護學。研究生大學院設有文學研究科碩士、博士課程、文化政策學研究科博士課程、看護學研究科碩士課程。
Kyoto Tachibana University was founded in 1967 as a private university for women based within the Tachibana Educational Institution, which has a long history of more than one hundred years. The University, which became co-educational in 2005, consists of six faculties and thirteen departments now. There are approximately 4,500 undergraduate and 70 graduate students. Kyoto Tachibana University is in Kyoto, the ancient capital of Japan which prospered as the center of politics and culture for many years since the late 8th century and, with an educational and academic philosophy of “Independence, Coexistence and Practical Knowledge”, fosters human resources that meet the needs of society. We also endeavor to provide a variety of educational courses that promote a range of careers and vocations.
單學期交換計畫 (僅修讀學分)
One-semester Exchange Program (Credits Transfer Only)
提供校內宿舍 (連結)
Application for dormitory is available (link)