Chiba University
千葉大學,設立于1949 年,位於千葉縣千葉市,是日本知名研究型國立綜合大學。千葉大學共有四個校區分別為西千葉校區綜合校區、亥鼻校區(醫學院、看護學院)、松戶校區(園藝學院、農學院)和柏之葉校區(環境健康領域科學中心)。
千葉大學在工學方面的研究,於日本享有崇高的聲譽,也是最早設立工業設計專業的大學。現今日知名工業設計專家,很多出身於千葉大學工學部,如Sony Walkman 設計總監黒木靖夫。
Chiba University was founded in 1949, unifying several regional former national colleges and schools such as Chiba Medical College and Chiba Normal School. Its fundamental mission since then has been, as encapsulated by the inscription on the University Bell, ad altiora semper (always toward the higher), to equip students with the ability to make mature and informed judgments while nurturing and guiding their creativity. Pursuing these goals of excellence has resulted in Chiba University becoming one of the leading academic research centers of Japan.
單學期交換計畫 (僅修讀學分)(僅開放秋季交換)
One semester (Credits only)(Fall semester Only)
提供校內宿舍 (連結)
Application for dormitory is available (link)