Panyapiwat Institute of Management
正大管理學院是由正大商業集團(CP ALL Plc.)投資創辦,經泰國教育部批准的正規大學。學校位於曼谷北郊,坐落在政府中央辦公區,交通便利。該校CMBA 與C-Ph.D 採用中文教授專業課程,並在全球聘用頂級的華裔教授,教學團隊中不但擁有具有許多教學及科研經驗的教授,更有具豐富實戰經驗的各領域頂尖華裔企業家和東盟國家大型企業公司等專家擔任教授。因此,該校學生在泰國就業率高達100 %。
Panyapiwat Institute of Management, formerly known as Panyapiwat Institute of Technology Is a supported higher education institution The fund was established from Suksapiwat Company Limited and at that time was authorized by the Ministry of Education with the recommendation of the Higher Education Commission.
Panyapiwat Institute of Management is located in the north of Bangkok with the convenient transporation. CMBA & C-Ph.D is Chinese taught program and hire the professional Chinese teachers, experts and consultants with abundant experience all over the world. Therefore, the employment rate in graduates from PIM is 100%.
單學期交換計畫 (僅修讀學分)
One-semester Exchange Program (Credits Transfer Only)
Has not been updated
Application for dormitory is subject to partner university’s announcement.