

泰國農業大學 Kasetsart University

泰國農業大學 Kasetsart University


Kasetsart University

學校介紹 School Introduction

農業大學是泰王國久負盛名的國立綜合類大學,也是泰國唯一的國立農業大學。泰國農業大學目前有7 個分校,分布在全國各地。泰國農業大學是位於泰國曼谷的重點大學,也是泰國歷史最悠久的學府之一。

該校目前包括研究生院在内,共設有23 各學院。該校在世界QS 亞洲大學排名上為第127 名。

Kasetsart University is a long-established national comprehensive university and the only national agricultural university in the Kingdom of Thailand. Kasetsart University has 7 branches throughout the country and also the one of oldest and most important universities in Thailand.

The university currently includes 23 colleges, including graduate schools. The school is ranked 127th in the QS Asia university rankings.

計畫說明 Program

單學期交換計畫 (僅修讀學分)

  1. 申請資格: 限管理學院與商資學院
  2. 申請名額: 3名 (免繳姊妹校學費)
  3. 語言能力: 托福(iBT)61分以上/雅思5級分以上/多益600分以上
  4. 學業成績: 歷年學業及操行平均成績75 分以上

3+1雙聯學制計畫 (雙學士)

  1. 申請資格: 限管理學院與商資學院
  2. 申請名額: 不限申請名額 (需繳姊妹校學雜費)
  3. 語言能力: 托福(iBT)69分以上/雅思5.5級分以上/多益700分以上
  4. 學業成績: 歷年學業及操行平均成績75 分以上
  5. 其他: 大四時前往姊妹校修讀一年,修滿規定學分並符合其他畢業相關規定,即可取得姊妹校學士學位

One-semester Exchange Program (Credits Transfer Only)

  1. Eligibility: College of Management and College of Business and Information
  2. Quota: 3 students (Tuition waiver)
  3. Language Proficiency: TOEFL iBT 61 / IELTS 5 / TOEIC 600
  4. Academic Requirement: The academic & conduct average grade should be over 75

3+1 Dual Bachelor Degree Program (One-year)

  1. Eligibility: College of Management and College of Business and Information.
  2. Quota: No limitation (Fee-paying)
  3. Language Proficiency: TOEFL iBT 69 / IELTS 5.5 / TOEIC 700
  4. Academic Requirement: The academic & conduct average grade should be over 75
  5. Note: Study at KU in senior year, and should fulfill required credits and graduation requirements.

行事曆 Academic Calendar


課程資訊 Course Information:https://reurl.cc/R4nmnG

住宿資訊 Accommodation Information

提供校內宿舍 (連結)

Application for dormitory is available (link)
