Taylor’s University
泰勒大學創立於1969 年,是馬來西亞歷史悠久及最傑出的私立大學,享有崇高的信譽。它擁有四十多年的卓越教學經驗,向以優良的學術傳統著稱。學院一貫秉承的信念,就是為本區域提供最高素質的高等教育。泰勒大學每年錄取學生超過5000 名。是馬來西亞歷史悠久及最傑出的私立大學,享有崇高的信譽。其著名的商科以及飯店管理專業在亞洲以及國際上享有盛譽,飯店管理專業目前在馬來西亞位居第一。
泰勒大學自1969 年創辦以來,肩負著將馬來西亞青年培育成全方位、有競爭力、適應力強、對國家經濟發展及繁榮抱著全球化視野,以及能貢獻國家建設人才的重任。泰勒大學所開辦的課程以澳洲、法國及英國聞名世界的夥伴大學之水準作為標準,同時也與這些頂尖名校密切合作開辦這些課程,以確保泰勒大學保持優越的教學素質。
Taylor’s university was founded in 1969, and it is a modern and progressive university, well respected in Malaysia. Taylor’s has continuously provided excellent services for its students in terms of diverse study options, relevant curriculum and teaching methods, on-going partnerships with leading universities worldwide, strong industry linkages, up-to-date facilities and a well-equipped campus.
It continues to dominate the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2020 by retaining its Top 20 in the world position for the fiercely contested Hospitality and Leisure Management subject, placing the institution alongside renowned universities globally, including Switzerland’s Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne, USA’s University of Nevada – Las Vegas and Netherlands’ Hotel School de Hague, to name a few.
The university is also the only institution in Malaysia to be in the Top 20 ranking. In 2020, there’s another award to Taylor’s University moving up to be placed within the 511th rank in the QS world university ranking, a huge jump of over 110 positions. Taylor’s University has a strong international outlook based on its international faculty and students who come from all parts of the world. The international community at Taylor’s is something the University is proud of and intends to continue to develop in order to ensure that our graduates are prepared for the modern international workplace.
單學期交換計畫 (僅修讀學分)
One-semester Exchange Program (Credits Transfer Only)
提供校內宿舍 (連結)
Application for dormitory is available (link)