

天普大學 Temple University

天普大學 Temple University


Temple University

學校介紹 School Introduction


天普大學雖掛名在公立大學系統中但實際以私立大學的運營方式運營的大學。根據2014 年的美國新聞與世界報導,天普大學在美國大學排名第121 位,美國公立大學排名第60 位。以大學規模計算,天普大學在全美排行第三十六位。

Temple University is a public research university in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It was founded in 1884. Temple University has six campuses and sites across Pennsylvania, plus international campuses in Rome and Japan. Temple University is designated as an “R1” Research University by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and has more than 500 degree programs at 15 schools and colleges and five professional schools. In U.S. News & World Report’s 2020 rankings, Temple is tied for 44th among U.S. public universities, tied for 104th among all national universities and ranked tied for 347th globally.

計畫說明 Program

單學期交換計畫 (僅修讀學分)

  1. 申請資格: 限管理學院、英語學位學程、商資學院、民生學院餐管系、音樂系、社工系、設計學院媒傳系、建築系、文創學院觀管系與休產系。
  2. 申請名額: 2名 (免繳姊妹校學費)
  3. 商學院語言能力: 托福(iBT)79分以上/雅思6級分以上
  4. 傳播學院語言能力: 托福(iBT)95分以上/雅思7級分以上
  5. 學業成績: 歷年學業及操行平均成績75 分以上
  6. 其他: 語言成績僅達托福(iBT)70-78分/雅思5.5級分可先付費參加姊妹校Global Program Language Study後銜接正式課程

3+2雙聯學制計畫 (學士碩士)

  1. 申請資格: 限民生學院、管理學院、英語學位學程及商資學院
  2. 申請名額: 不限申請名額 (需繳交姊妹校學雜費)
  3. 商學院語言能力: 托福(iBT)90分以上/雅思7.0級分以上
  4. 其他學院語言能力: 托福(iBT)79分以上/雅思6.5級分以上
  5. 學業成績: 歷年學業及操行平均成績75 分以上
  6. 其他: 大四時前往姊妹校修讀一年學分課程,再於姊妹校研究所修讀一年,修滿規定學分並符合其他畢業相關規定,即可取得姊妹校碩士學位

One-semester Exchange Program (Credits Transfer Only)

  1. Eligibility: College of Management, English Taught Program, College of Business and Information, Dept. of Food and Beverages Management, Dept. of Music, Dept. of Social Work, Dept. of Communications Design, Dept. of Architecture, Dept. of Tourism Management and Dept. of Recreation Management
  2. Quota: 2 students (Tuition Waiver)
  3. Language Proficiency for Business school: TOEFL iBT 79 / IELTS 6
  4. Language Proficiency for Media & the Arts school: TOEFL iBT 95 / IELTS 7
  5. Academic Requirement: The academic & conduct average grade should be over 75
  6. Note: Students who only meet TOEFL iBT 70-78 or IELTS 5.5 can attend the fee-paying Global Program Language Study before the exchange program

3+2 Dual Bachelor’s Master’s Degree (DBMD) Program (Two-year)

  1. Eligibility: College of Human Ecology, College of Management, English Taught Program and College of Business and Information
  2. Quota: No limitation (Fee-paying)
  3. Language Proficiency for Business school: TOEFL iBT 90 / IELTS 7.0
  4. Language Proficiency for other schools: TOEFL iBT 79 / IELTS 6.5
  5. Academic Requirement: The academic & conduct average grade should be over 75
  6. Note: Study at TU in the senior and fifth year, and should fulfill the required credits and TU graduation requirements

行事曆 Academic Calendar


住宿資訊 Accommodation Information


Application for dormitory is subject to the partner university’s announcement.
