University of California, Davis
戴維斯加大為美國和世界頂尖大學,在美國公立大學中全國排行第八名,美國大學綜合排名第36,加大系統內與聖地牙哥加大(UC San Diego) 並列第三。該校是Tier-1(最高級別) 全美最頂尖大學之一,與柏克萊加州大學(UC Berkeley)、洛杉磯加州大學(UCLA)、聖地牙哥加州大學(UC San Diego)齊名。戴維斯加大被譽為美國「公立常春藤」之一。
在最近幾年全球大學排名中,戴維斯加大在全球農林院校排名中獲得三連冠。至2015 年為止,戴維斯加大是十所加州大學裡,學生人數第三多的學校,達3 萬5 千餘人。戴維斯加大是一所公立綜合性研究大學,學校設10 個學院,以管理、經濟、法律、健康科學、社會科學、人文及藝術等科系著稱,同時也是世界獸醫、環境科學、農業和可持續發展的研究和教育中心。
The University of California, Davis (UC Davis), is a public research university and land-grant university adjacent to Davis, California.It is part of the University of California system and has the third-largest enrollment in the system after UCLA and UC Berkeley. The institution was founded as a branch in 1905 and became its own separate entity in 1959. The university has 102 undergraduate majors and 101 graduate programs. The university has several distinguished graduate programs ranked in the top 10 in their fields by the United States National Research Council; most notable are its programs in agricultural economics, entomology, evolutionary biology, plant biology, and ecology.
One-semester Visiting Program (Credits Transfer Only)
Application for dormitory is subject to partner university’s announcement