

國際酒店管理學院 International College of Hotel Management



International College of Hotel Management

學校介紹 School Introduction

國際酒店管理學院是一所獨立非營利性質的酒店管理學院。也是瑞士酒店協會唯一在歐洲外主辦的酒店管理學院。瑞士酒店協會建立於1882 年,是瑞士酒店管理的官方機構。代表著4,000 多家酒店及餐館,100 多年來,瑞士酒店協會一直是世界酒店管理業標準的樣板。學院提供3 千多萬澳元的教學設施,包括最好的184 間學生宿舍。

ICHM was established in 1992 by the State Government of South Australia, the Swiss Hotel Association (SHA) and the Lipman family to be the hotel school of choice for the industry professionals of tomorrow. ICHM offers undergraduate and post graduate business, hotel and hospitality management degrees. The College has also established a reputation for philanthropy, providing scholarships for gifted, talented and financially challenged students. To date, the value of these scholarships is worth more than $3 million.

計畫說明 Program

一學年訪問計畫 (僅修讀學分)

  1. 申請資格: 限管理學院、商資學院、民生學院餐管系、食保系、英語學位學程、文創學院應英系、觀管系與休產系
  2. 申請名額: 不限申請名額 (需繳姊妹校學雜費)
  3. 語言能力: 雅思6級分以上/ PTE 50以上(每科不得低於45)
  4. 學業成績: 歷年學業及操行平均成績75 分以上
  5. 其他: 於姊妹校修讀一學期(至少四門課程),下學期於當地飯店或餐廳帶薪實習,完成後可取得實習證書。

One-year Visiting Program (Credits Transfer Only)

  1. Eligibility: College of Management, College of Business and Information, Dept. of Food Science, Nutrition, and Nutraceutical Biotechnology, Dept. of Food and Beverages Management, Dept. of Tourism Management and Dept. of Recreation Management
  2. Quota: No limitation (Fee-paying)
  3. Language Proficiency:  IELTS 6/ PTE50 (Each subject should be above 45)
  4. Academic Requirement: The academic & conduct average grade should be over 75
  5. Note: Study at ICHM in the first semester (4 courses) and take an internship (paid) at a hotel or restaurant in the second semester.

行事曆 Academic Calendar


住宿資訊 Accommodation Information

提供校內宿舍 (連結)

Application for dormitory is available (link)
