EUHT StPOL University
桑特波爾廚藝學院是全球前50 名飯店管理學校,也是西班牙第一個授予酒店與旅遊管理學士的培訓機構。學校擁有國際化的教師團隊並與酒店&旅遊管理領域的知名企業成為合作夥伴,更是Hotel Schools of Distinction 創始成員及南歐唯一代表。學校提供碩士學位及暑假短期專業課程,組織專業參訪與業界緊密結合。
EUHT StPOL is one of the 12 Spanish centers appearing in the QS World University ranking by subjects. In the Hospitality and Leisure Management area, EUHT StPOL is the 1st and only Spanish university listed, thus being the best in its specialty.
3+1.5雙聯學制計畫 (學士碩士)
3+1.5 Bachelor Master Degree Program (Two-year)
Application for dormitory is subject to partner university’s announcement.