

桑特波爾廚藝學院 EUHT StPOL University

桑特波爾廚藝學院  EUHT StPOL University
桑特波爾廚藝學院 EUHT StPOL University


EUHT StPOL University

學校介紹 School Introduction

桑特波爾廚藝學院是全球前50 名飯店管理學校,也是西班牙第一個授予酒店與旅遊管理學士的培訓機構。學校擁有國際化的教師團隊並與酒店&旅遊管理領域的知名企業成為合作夥伴,更是Hotel Schools of Distinction 創始成員及南歐唯一代表。學校提供碩士學位及暑假短期專業課程,組織專業參訪與業界緊密結合。

EUHT StPOL is one of the 12 Spanish centers appearing in the QS World University ranking by subjects. In the Hospitality and Leisure Management area, EUHT StPOL is the 1st and only Spanish university listed, thus being the best in its specialty.

計畫說明 Program

3+1.5雙聯學制計畫 (學士碩士)

  1. 申請資格: 限民生學院餐管系
  2. 申請名額: 不限申請名額 (需繳交姊妹校學雜費)
  3. 語言能力: 托福(iBT)61分以上/雅思5級分以上/多益600 分以上
  4. 學業成績: 歷年學業及操行平均成績75 分以上
  5. 其他: 大四時前往姊妹校修讀一年(廚藝管理碩士或飯店管理碩士),另需完成半年實習並符合其他畢業相關規定,即可取得姊妹校碩士學位

3+1.5 Bachelor Master Degree Program (Two-year)

  1. Eligibility: Dept. of Food and Beverage Management
  2. Quota: No limitation (Fee-paying)
  3. Language Proficiency:  TOEFL iBT 61 / IELTS 5 / TOEIC 600
  4. Academic Requirement: The academic & conduct average grade should be over 75
  5. Note: Study at StPOL in senior year (Master in Culinary Arts and Kitchen Management or Master in Hospitality Management), and should fulfill required credits and graduation requirements and also need to complete an internship for 3-6 months.

行事曆 Academic Calendar

住宿資訊 Accommodation Information


Application for dormitory is subject to partner university’s announcement.
