【活動】2022實踐大學全國大專院校 第一屆境外生國際盃健球聯誼賽2022 The 1st International KIN-BALL Cup of Shih Chien University

本校將舉辦實踐大學全國大專院校第一屆境外生國際盃健球聯誼賽,藉由邀請全國大專院校學生及境外生的參與,帶動校際學生及國際文化交流,進一步推廣實踐大學並提升境外生持續留台讀書的意願,同時達到各校五育並重的教育理念,提升榮譽心和運動家精神。 為推廣健球這項運動,當天上午會安排健球教學及規則說明,歡迎沒接觸過健球的同學們報名一起同樂。 l比賽時間與地點:中華民國 111年 12月17日(星期六)上午九點,實踐大學H棟報到。 l報名時間:即日起至111年12月8日(星期四)下午17:00截止,逾期不候。 l比賽獎勵: 冠軍:新台幣$16,000元整、亞軍:新台幣$12,000元整、季軍:新台幣$8,000元整。 l詳細內容請見附件。


The objective of this event is to make connections by sport. By inviting the Taiwanese students and International students, we wish to build up the cultural exchange with the universities and college in Taiwan and provide the opportunity for students to learn from each other. Also, we hope to promote the universities and encourage students to continue their study in Taiwan. Additionally, we wish to achieve the educational goal of the five way of life and promote student’s sense of honor and sportsmanship. To help with the promotion of KIN-Ball, we will arrange a tutorial class for all students. Everyone is welcome to join. l Date & Time: Saturday December 17th, 2022 at 9:00AM l Registration Deadline: Thursday December 8th (Thurs) by 5:00PM l Awards: Champion: NTD16,000、Runner-up: NTD12,000、2nd Runner-up: NTD8,000
