獎助學金名稱:1-43 實踐大學境外生學行成績優良獎學金
Scholarship: Academic Excellence Scholarship for Overseas Students
Eligibility: Overseas students of Shih Chien University
Amount: Subject to the tuition and fee of Shih Chien University
一、 為擴大並鼓勵境外生來台就讀本校,提供學行成績優良之境外生獎學金,特訂定本要點。
1. These regulations and scholarships are established to recruit and encourage overseas students to study at Shih Chien University.
二、 凡具本校正式學籍之境外生(不含延修生)就讀本校滿一學期,其前學期學業成績及品行優良符合下列規定者,均得依本要點申請。
(一) 前學期學業成績班排名為前20%,且操行成績80分(含)以上者。
(二) 前項品行優良係指前學期其行為表現無不良紀錄或違反法令或校規情節嚴重者。
2. Except delay graduation, overseas students who currently study at Shih Chien University for at least one semester and reach the follow requirement of Academic performance and outstanding conduct performance are eligible to apply for this scholarship:
(1).The class ranking of the previous semester should be top 20% and the Conduct Grade of the previous semester should be 80 or above.
(2).The abovementioned outstanding conduct performance is defined as the applicant having no poor conduct recorded, and no illegal or school regulation violations for the previous semester.
三、 本學行成績優良獎學金核發額度,依符合申請資格學生當年度年級別發放。 就讀一年級者,提供之境外生學行成績優良獎學金,其金額以當年度學費之50%為上限,依四捨五入原則取至百位數發放。 就讀二年級者,提供之境外生學行成績優良獎學金,其金額以當年度學費之30%為上限,依四捨五入原則取至百位數發放。 就讀三年級者,提供之境外生學行成績優良獎學金,其金額以當年度學費之20%為上限,依四捨五入原則取至百位數發放。
3. The amount is disbursed according to the qualified applicant’s study year in the current academic year. Freshmen students will be disbursed up to 50% of the total tuition of that academic year, rounded up to the nearest hundred. Sophomore students will be disbursed up to 30% of the total tuition of that academic year, rounded to the nearest hundred. Junior students will be disbursed up to 20% of the total tuition fee of that academic year, rounded to the nearest hundred.
四、 凡經休學並辦理復學者,復學當學期不得申請境外生學行成績優良獎學金。隔學期符合申請資格標準方可申請,核發額度依前條規定辦理。
4. Students who applied for temporary suspension will not be able to apply for this scholarship till the next semester after returning for study. After studying for one semester and reach the requirement mentioned in the Article 2, students are eligible to submit the applications in the next semester and the amount will be disbursed according to the Article 3.
五、 本學行成績優良獎學金申請期間依本校獎助學金作業申請時間辦理,凡逾期申請者不予受理。
5. Applicants must complete their application before the deadline. Late applications are not accepted.
六、 凡獲台灣政府補助之「教育部台灣獎學金」、「外交部台灣獎學金」、「國合會獎學金」及「僑委會獎學金」等其它單位之全額獎學金者,不得申請本獎學金。
6. Applicants who have been awarded “MOE Taiwan Scholarship”, “MOFA Taiwan Scholarship”, “ICDF Scholarship”, “OCAC Scholarship” or other scholarships from Taiwan government entities are not eligible to apply for this scholarship.
七、 本辦法自112學年度起實施,適用於112學年度秋季班後入學之境外生。
7. The implementation of this regulation starts from the 2023-24 academic year and this regulation only applies to the students who are admitted in or after the 2023-24 academic year.
八、 本辦法經獎助學金委員會會議通過後,陳請校長核准後公布實施,修正時亦同。
8. This regulation will be announced and implemented by the President of Shih Chien University upon being passed at the Scholarship Committee Meeting. Any revision of this regulation must follow the same procedure.
九、 本獎學金最後確認之名額及名單,校方保有最終異動及裁決權。
9. Shih Chien University reserves the right of final decision of the result of admission scholarship.
十、 申請書收件暨審核單位:入學服務處(僑生及港澳生)、國際事務處(外國學生及陸生)
10. The application should be submitted and reviewed by the Admission Office (Overseas Chinese students, Hong Kong and Macao students) or the office of International Affairs (International Student and Mainland Chinese students).