Seikei University
成蹊大學(Seikei University)是一所位於日本東京都武藏野市的私立大學,創立於1949 年。該校大學部設有經濟學部、法學部、文學部、理工學部;研究所設有經濟研究科、管理學研究科、文學研究科、工學研究科、法務研究科。學校環境優美,交通位置方便,近吉祥寺站。
Seikei Universityis a private university in the Kichijōji area of the city of Musashino, Tokyo, Japan. Instead of an over intellectual approach, Seikei University is committed to realize a well-balanced education of the heart, mind and body, and has inherited the educational principles of the founder Haruji Nakamura, who practiced “human education of the character and respect for the individual.” Its liberal academic culture carefully nurtures each student’s unique personality, while valuing close relationships and interactions between teachers and students through education in small classes.
單學期交換計畫 (僅修讀學分)
One-semester Exchange Program (Credits Transfer Only)
提供校內宿舍 (連結)
Application for dormitory is available (link)