Dongguk University
東國大學,校園位於首爾和慶州,於1906 年創建。2010 年,在QS世界大學排名亞洲排第150 名。以科學、文學和社會等領域出名,是現今世上僅有的幾所佛教附屬大學之一,具有濃重的佛教文化氣息,肩負著傳揚佛教文化及藝術的重任。首爾校園位於首爾市中區南山公園斜面,可以俯瞰首爾市全景。知名校友有徐玄、全智賢、李昇基等。
Founded in 1906, Dongguk remains one of the few Buddhist affiliated universities in the world. Yet its doors have always been open to students and teachers of all faiths and philosophies. Students and professors from around the globe enhance the quality of education on each of Dongguk’s four campuses by bringing together dramatically diverse life experiences and cultures in a common educational mission. Graduate and undergraduate students alike are exposed to the latest theories and practical training in every area of university study. Dongguk consistently ranks among Korea’s top universities. For thousands of new students each year, Dongguk continues to serve a great first step on a lifelong journey of self-discovery, service to others, and spiritual enlightenment.
單學期交換計畫 (僅修讀學分)
One-semester Exchange (Credits Transfer Only)
提供校內宿舍 (連結)
Application for dormitory is available (link)