聖伊格納西奧洛約拉大學是一所於1995 年由副總統創立並於秘魯首都利馬(Lima)的聖伊格納西奧洛約拉大學(Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola)於美國邁阿密的分校,非常注重創業及飯店管理,其核心目標為塑造對社會有貢獻的成功企業家。
St. Ignatius of Loyola University (Spanish: Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola) (USIL) is a private university located in Lima, Peru, part of a group of educational institutions founded in 1995 by former Peruvian Vice President Raúl Diez Canseco, along with an institute and two schools. Its Undergraduate Programme consists of 8 schools and 33 careers, though it does have a Graduate Programme. USIL has a strong focus on entrepreneurship and hospitality management, consistent with its mission statement, which is “to shape competent entrepreneurial professionals who are socially responsible and capable of performing successfully, both domestically and internationally”.
單學期交換計畫 (僅修讀學分)
One-semester Exchange Program (Credits Transfer Only)
Application for dormitory is subject to the partner university’s announcement.