1-31 實踐大學新南向地區學生助學金 Regulations on Scholarship for “New Southbound Nations students”


獎學金名稱:1-31 實踐大學新南向地區學生助學金



112學年度15名;113學年度10名; 114學年度5名。

金額:每名每學期新台幣 10,000 元。




(一)碩(博)士班最多二年,前一學期至少修習四(含)學分,前一學期學業成績達 80 分且名次為全班前 30%以內。

(二)大學部最多四年,前一學期應修之最低學分數依本校學則規定,前一學期學業成績達全班前 30%以內。

(三)前一學期操行成績達 80 分。







(五)中文或英文自傳(500 字以內)乙份。







Shih Chien University Regulations on Scholarship for “New Southbound Nations students”

Quota: Subject to the enrollment of academic years. 15 students for 2023-24 academic year, 10 students for 2024-25 academic year and 5 students for 2025-26 academic year

Amount:NTD$10,000 per student


1. “New Southbound Nations students” refers to students who are enrolled through the University Entrance Committee for the 18 countries: Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, India, ThailandMyanmar, Singapore, Philippines, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Brunei, Bangladesh, Laos, Cambodia, Bhutan, Australia, and New Zealand. Students must have a school official registration foreign student status but can neither have Republic of China’s nationality nor the oversea Chinese students’ identity.

2. Qualifications:Foreign students must have studied in this university for at least a full semester with official registration enrollment (Delay graduated students are excluded), in accordance with the following Regulations (1)-(3) (must meet at least one) and (4).

(1) Graduate students must have done at least four credit hours (including 4 hours) in the previous semester, and their previous semester academic performance must reach 80 points and must meet top 30% of class ranking.

(2) Undergraduates must meet the minimum school credits in the previous semester according to Shih Chien University regulations, and the academic performance must reach top 30% of class ranking.

(3) Previous semester conduct performance meet 80 points.

(4) This scholarship is not available to those who’ve already applied for MOE Taiwan Scholarship, MOFA Taiwan Scholarship or any other government scholarship.

3. Application Method: Please submit all the following documents to OIA office.

(1) An application form

(2) A photocopy of student identity card

(3) A photocopy of passport (personal information page)

(4) Previous semester school transcript (the formal document)

(5) Chinese or English autobiography (within 500 words)

(6) Study plan

(7) Teacher recommendation letter

(8) Other outstanding performance supporting document

4. This regulation applies to students who are admitted before the 2023-24 academic year.

5. Application submission and verification: Office of International Affairs.